@interface AppController : NSObject {
int x;
Now this class definition would not do to much as it does not have any methods, but it would define a class named "AppController" being derived from NSObject with one integer variable called x.
The definition always starts with "@interface" and ends with "@end"
A method definition in Objective-C will be defined like this:
- (int) setX:(int)y;
This defines a method setX with a return value of type int. To call the method you'll need to pass a variable of type int which can be accessed by the name y. The "-" in front of the method declaration is not a typo, but tells you that this is a "regular" instance method. A global class method would be defined with a "+" instead (comparable with the "static" keyword of Java/C#). The method definition will not be inserted into the curly brackets but between their end and the "@end" so the new class definition would look like this:
@interface AppController : NSObject {
int x;
- (int) setX:(int)y;
The source file
To finish off our example here we'll have a quick look at the corresponding source file:
#import "AppController.h"
@implementation AppController
-(int) setX:(int)y
//Magic happens here.....
return x;
This should not be to much of a suprise now. Pretty much straight forward besides the "@implementation" and "@end" commands which simply wrap up the class related coding.